Monthly Meal Plan

Make grocery shopping and meal time a breeze all month long!
No credit card needed
Unlimited time on Free plan

Who is this space for?

For people who eat food, buy food, cook food, or just like food!

What problem does it solve?

Dinner time dread is a real thing that I struggled with for YEARS! By planning my meals for the month, it takes the guess work out of "what's for dinner tonight?" It also serves as a handy database for recipes, lists ingredients for an easier grocery shopping experience, and maintains my notes, tips, and tricks! Plus, check out the Gallery board view to see what's on the menu with a Pinterest-inspired view!

What are the benefits of your space?

100% of dinner time stress is reduced by following the recipes already in this board!

But, like everything on, it's fully customizable so you can sub out any recipes you'd like with 50% of the work done for you!

And with my recipe suggestions and notes, there is an 95% chance your dinner is going to be AMAZING! ;)

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Social Media Marketing Agency Workflow
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